Starting a service business IS SO MUCH FUN! And at the same time, completely draining!

I planned to do an official "I'm starting a new business" launch. Last week, I decided not to launch because I have a new client already! Tuesday night, I decided to just GO FOR IT and do the launch. Now I'm official!

I'm so grateful to have interest from two more businesses! And I'm proud of myself for reaching out to make a business contact with a local marketer that just launched her business recently


I have my eye on doing some email marketing for a local business and I'm excited to see how that might come to be. Stay tuned!

So, how's it really going? I'm so uncomfortable! My brain is making so many new pathways and connections! I'm up against all the mindset stuff too...fear, impostor I'm building my brain in that area too!

This leap of faith is challenging me for sure!

New things:
-not overthinking!
-thinking like an action-taker
-learning new software and tools
-my life is no longer my own, LOL!
-not always assuming it's my error

Thank you everyone for your support!



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